
‘The best decision of my life’

Class of 2015 alumna opens practice 纳什维尔附近, reflects on OUWB

An image of Ashley Guthrie, M.D.

Ashley Guthrie, M.D., OUWB '15, recently opened a practice 纳什维尔附近.

icon of a calendar2022年3月22日

icon of a pencilBy Andrew Dietderich

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Ashley Guthrie, M.D., 她最近在纳什维尔附近开了一家诊所,这是她毕生的医生梦想的高潮,在她决定参加OUWB的首届课程后,她开始全速前进.

简单地说, 这位2015届毕业生说,她在哈佛商学院“有一段非常美妙的经历”——格思里称这段经历“非常有培养作用”,并说这对帮助她在医学院和其他地方取得成功至关重要.

That includes a five-year residency in 纽约, a one-year fellowship in 阿拉巴马州, 和, 最近, 开放 Guthrie Facial Plastic Surgery 纳什维尔附近.

“(Attending OUWB) was the best decision of my life,” 格思里说.

“(在OUWB)是‘如果你有问题,我们会帮助你解决它.’ You never felt like you were just hanging out there on your own. You always knew you were going to have a really solid support system.”

‘Set up the best for your future’


“我记得我学会了如何拼写儿科医生,这样我就可以把它写在任何问我长大后想做什么的东西上,她说。 with a laugh. “最终我意识到我只想成为一名医生,而绝对不想成为一名儿科医生.”

生物学和有机化学等科学对格思里来说相对容易. She attended University of Pennsylvania, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in the Biological Basis of Behavior.

Concurrently, Guthrie oftentimes volunteered in the community. She played piano in the lobby of the local hospital. She tutored science classes in west Philadelphia.

When interviewing at medical schools, 格思里说,她被OUWB吸引是因为“整个学校的氛围和文化完全不同.”

“As a first class, 我们只有50个人,所以自然而然地给了我们一种家庭的感觉, which was really nice,她说。. “对班上的每个人来说,他们都觉得每个人都关心你和你的教育,都想确保你得到最好的经历,为你的未来做好准备.”

即使在学校的第一年,也有很多机会可以有所作为. 格思里参与了招生委员会和课程开发.

她还参与了美国医学妇女协会的OUWB分会, 和 served as founding president of the Robert J. Lucas Surgical Society (RJLSS). In that role, she oversaw the launch of the RJLSS Surgical Symposium. The annual event has become one of OUWB’s signature events, drawing medical-student participants from across Michigan 和 Ohio.

An image of Ashley Guthrie, M.D., at commencement.

Guthrie (center) was all smiles the day she graduated from OUWB. 


Guthrie opened her practice in Brentwood, Tennessee, last October. The practice is 90% cosmetic 和 10% reconstructive. Guthrie says she chose the Nashville area primarily because of family, but because of the great quality of life.

The market also is “booming,” according to Guthrie.

“到目前为止,我的病人中有很大一部分是从加利福尼亚等地移植过来的, 纽约, 和 Chicago…we’re kind of all in the same boat,她说。. “It’s a bonding experience.”

Leading up to the 开放, 格思里在伯明翰的鲁索面部整形外科诊所做了一年的面部整形外科研究, 阿拉巴马州. 在那之前, 格思里当时在纽约西奈山的纽约眼耳医院实习.

She is a board-certified ENT specialist.

格思里说,她从医学院一开始就知道她想专攻外科. It didn’t take her long to realize where she wanted to focus.


“头部和颈部的解剖结构非常复杂,所有的手术都非常精细. 当然,你要处理的是身体最重要的一些结构.”

进一步, 格思里说, 她父亲最好的朋友也是一名头颈外科医生,他是她的“导师和灵感来源”,” sometimes letting her shadow him at work, even as an undergrad.


“我很早就意识到我真的很喜欢整形手术,因为我只是觉得能够通过改变生活的手术迅速对一个人产生巨大的影响是很好的,她说。. “有些人可能会认为这很无聊,但对于那些真正有自我意识的人来说, it can make a huge, huge difference in their lives.”

因为她和那些积极寻求她提供的服务的病人一起工作, Guthrie says she really enjoys what she does.

“这并不是因为他们真的病了……这是他们决定为自己做的事情,”她说. “They’re really motivated 和 excited about it 和 they’re happy. 这是一份有趣的工作.”

‘More attention than most medical students’

Guthrie says her residency in 纽约 was a rewarding experience. While in the Big Apple, she worked primarily in a resident clinic, helping patients from an underserved population.


同样,格思里说,她在奖学金期间从阿拉巴马州的经历中学到了很多. 她说,她想在一家私人诊所工作,基本上是为自己开一家自己的诊所做准备.

“我真的, 我真的很喜欢我在那里的经历……办公室很忙,格思里的奖学金主任丹尼尔·鲁索(Daniel Rousso)说, M.D.) has been doing this for 35 years,她说。. “He just cranks all day, every day so it was a lot of great exposure.”

再加上她从公开商学院的教职员工那里感受到的整体家庭感, 格思里说,她在博蒙特的临床教育帮助她在医生生涯中获得了最早的经验.

“I felt very well prepared,她说。. “在博蒙特的临床岁月里,我们非常参与病人护理……我觉得比我的一些同事准备得更好,因为我们从早期获得了更多的实践经验。.”


“On one of my interviews, 系主任问:“你认为你上了一所新学校,就和其他人一样做好了准备吗??’”她说,“我告诉他,我认为我实际上准备得更充分,因为我比大多数医科学生得到了更多的关注.”

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