A cohort of OUWB faculty has published a paper on successful efforts to create a microbiology outreach program for high school students.



Cohort of OUWB faculty publish paper on success of online summer enrichment program



铅笔的图标作者:Andrew Dietderich


A cohort of OUWB faculty has published a paper on successful efforts to create a microbiology outreach program for high school students.

Using What’s at Hand: The Creation of an Online Microbiology Outreach Program” recently was published in the American Society for Microbiology’s 微生物学杂志 & 生物学教育.

合著者是Deidre Hurse博士.D.keyeorda 坎普博士.D.-都是助理教授-詹姆斯·格罗根博士.D.和特蕾西·泰勒博士.D., associate professor, all from OUWB’s Department of Foundational Medical Studies. Taylor also serves as one of the school’s assistant deans for Diversity & 包容.

The paper outlines the success of OUWB’s Online Summer Enrichment Program (OSEP), 一个免费的, five-day online program for students who have expressed interest in medicine and careers in health sciences.

坎普说:“没有必要重新创造轮子。. “如果你有一个项目,而且效果很好, 为什么不把它发表出来,让其他人也能发现呢?”


2019冠状病毒病前,对外开放银行的多样性 & 包容 department annually held in-person programs for area youth, such as the Future Physicians Summer Enrichment Program (FPSP)

The purpose was to engage with pre-college students who are interested in careers in medicine.

Kyeorda 坎普-2

坎普 says it’s important to offer such programs in order to reach students interested in the sciences at a younger age.

“这很关键,”她说. “We know from literature that the earlier we reach students, the more likely it is they will enter a pathway to (science, 技术, 工程, 和/或数学). 如果我们想让学生进入这些领域, they need that early exposure…and we need to get them excited about it.”

In 2020 and 2021, OUWB officials decided to offer an online program due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

去年, 11 faculty from OUWB’s Department of Foundational Medical Studies volunteered to help deliver the program. 坎普 says she and the other faculty involved do it because they enjoy interacting with the younger learners.

“You realize that they’re really loving what they’re doing and really enjoying it,” she says.

The theme of the 2021 program was, “How the Brain Forms and Works.大约有30名高中生参加了这次活动.

当时,蒂芙尼·威廉姆斯(Tiffany Williams)博士.D.,多元化总监 & 他说,这个项目进行得“非常顺利”.”

“This is the second summer in a row that we have offered the online enrichment program,” she said.

“我可以说我们学到了很多, which has allowed us to get better at facilitating this program in a virtual setting. I am also excited as we have seen more geographic diversity among our participants being virtual.”

根据报纸上的说法 微生物学杂志 & 生物学教育, “student and faculty assessment indicated that the program was a success.”

“Our online microbiology precollege outreach program demonstrated an effective way to expose students to infectious disease concepts and information literacy,论文中写道。.

坎普 says that’s why the cohort decided to publish a paper and offer up to others some of the tips and tools gained from the experience.

‘An effective way to expose students to microbiology online’

The paper explains that the structure of the program centers on “The Seven Principles of Good Practice,” a teaching model originally published for undergraduate education.

“The framework emphasizes instructor-student and student-student interactions, 主动学习技巧, 及时反馈, 尊重不同的学习者,论文中写道。.

OSEP consisted of four days of sessions with each day’s theme and objectives mapped to program objectives, which were designed to introduce learners to medical microbiology, 抗生素和治疗中的问题, 以及医学和生物医学领域的职业.

Day one, for example, was titled “Microbes and Society Part 1.” By the end of the program, on day four, participants learned about “Biomedical 研究 Projects & 职业生涯.”

这个程序主要是异步的, though every day began with a one-hour synchronous session to introduce the day’s topics, 审查内容, 等.

“The asynchronous format allowed students to interact with the content best suited to their schedule, 鉴于大流行,哪一点尤为重要, as many students experienced additional responsibilities at home relate to financial and familial obligations,论文中写道。.

该报称该项目取得了成功, due in large part to its ability to accommodate “multidimensional abilities from different educational systems and various academic achievements.”

Feedback further indicated that 83% of the participating students indicated they were “inspired/strongly inspired” to learn more about microbiology. 也, 93% of students reported that they felt more confident in educating themselves about scientific topics.

“While there are benefits to face-to-face learning, it is not always possible,” concludes the paper. “This program demonstrated an effective way to expose students to microbiology online.”
