Student Success

‘Proud and excited’


An image of students who won clerkship awards

(Top row): Moneb Bughrara (Internal Medicine); Amelia Najor (Surgery); Abiba Salahou (Psychiatry).(Bottom row):Benjamin Galen (OB/GYN); Katie Wheeler (Pediatrics); Corey Carney (Family Medicine) Not pictured: Brent Yelton (Neurology)

Student Success

icon of a calendarOct. 7, 2022

icon of a pencilBy Andrew Dietderich

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Awards for Outstanding Performance in M3 Clerkship were given to now fourth-year students Moneb Bughrara (Internal Medicine); Brent Yelton (Neurology); Benjamin Galen (OB/GYN); Katie Wheeler (Pediatrics); Abiba Salahou (Psychiatry); Amelia Najor (Surgery); and Corey Carney (Family Medicine).


The OUWB Committee on Student Awards oversees the process, according to Committee Chair Sarah Lerchenfeldt, Ph.D., assistant professor, Department of Foundational Medical Studies.

M3职员奖获得者将在OUWB荣誉大会上获得表彰, traditionally held the evening before commencement. 该认可也包括在他们的医学院绩效评估中.

Bughrara说:“一开始我很惊讶能从众多优秀的同龄人中脱颖而出. “在轮换期间,我的表现和努力得到了认可,这对我来说是一个巨大的荣誉, especially since I intend to pursue a residency in internal medicine.


她说:“我不知道OUWB会颁发这些奖项,所以我很震惊。. “这确实让我很开心,也证实了儿科对我来说是一个很好的职业领域.”

Galen said he also was “shocked” and also “proud and excited.”

盖伦说:“我正在申请妇产科……我很荣幸能获得这份工作。. “Knowing that the team recognized my efforts as extraordinary is fantastic enough; the fact it was in the specialty I plan on dedicating my life to was just icing on the cake.”

Najor said she felt a sense of “excitement and honor.”

“我真的尽了最大的努力成为团队的一员,得到主治医生和住院医生的认可,我感到很神奇,” she said. “它强化了一个想法,如果一个人对自己的工作保持热情和专注, they would be set up for success in whatever they are pursuing.”

Salahou echoed similar feelings.

“这真的是一种荣誉,对我来说意义重大,在一个领域得到认可,实现了我在医学上的‘为什么’,并真正让我兴奋地继续学习,” she said.

Biggest takeaways


Bughrara说:“我从见习工作中最大的收获是找到了我未来在医学领域的职业。. “在做职员之前,我不确定自己想从事什么领域的工作. 我发现,在当职员期间,我能够找到许多兴趣和激情的交汇点, and found what I ultimately perceived as my calling within medicine.”


“这正是我在儿科轮转期间和之后的感受,”她说. “从管理住院病人的药物到在门诊诊室为孩子们看病,我每天都很享受, I was engrossed with learning about the diagnoses, treatments, and counseling for ailments specific to children.”


“妇产科是与患者讨论的最敏感的健康话题之一, and I found that I loved having these conversations,” he said. “I reflected on my own upbringing, the powerful women in my life, and how impactful a relationship with a physician can be. Above all else, 我了解到,与你的病人一起认识到他们的弱点,并张开双臂欢迎这些话题,这是一种惊人的力量.”

Yelton also said he learned a lot.

“我从神经病学实习中得到的最大收获是,这个领域对病人的生活有多么大的影响,” he said. “无论是通过诊断急性医疗问题,还是通过最大限度地提高慢性病患者的生活质量, 我能够看到神经学在每天的工作中所产生的积极影响.”

Salahou said she also gained a tremendous amount of insight.

“我从精神病学工作中得到的最大收获是,如果不考虑他们的护理的生物心理社会方面,就不可能有效地治疗病人,” she said.

“在随后的每一次轮岗中,我都看到了精神健康的表现. 这是无法逃避的,我们每天都能在社会上看到这种情况. 如果不结合精神病学的各个方面,你就不能有效地确保病人的依从性或成功的康复.”

纳乔说,外科医生的工作让她意识到,“享受乐趣”是可能的, learn, and make a difference in the care your patients receive,” no matter what field medical students plan to specialize in.

“让自己融入团队,让你的病人对他们的护理感到舒适, after that, the process flows naturally; you begin to learn through your daily interactions with the patients, surgeons, and residents,” advised Najor.

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