
Wilson Hall
Rochester, Michigan 48309-4486
(location map)
(248) 370-2762
(248) 370-4111

Provost Graduate Student Research Awards: Music, Theatre and Dance

Please note:  Students applying as a group should contact 研究处 at (电子邮件保护) in advance for instructions in completing their proposal.

截止日期:申请将每年审核两次.  报名截止日期如下: 

  • 十月第三个星期五 (2023年不可用)
  • 二月第三个星期五


$1,500 to support a student research or creative activity project 

  • Projects must be of sufficient scope to last for a minimum of one semester (15 weeks) and be conducted under supervision of a full-time OU faculty mentor. 较短的项目需要明确的理由.
  • A final report of the project must be submitted within one year of the funding date. It should not exceed five pages and should summarize the outcomes and results of the project.  Any publications or conference presentations that resulted from the project should be listed in the report. 请将报告上传到 infoReady审查.

Note: Equipment purchased with grant money reverts back to the unit/department at the end of the research project period. 未使用的资金归还给研究办公室.


  • 他被公开大学录取为研究生 
  • 你的平均成绩是3分.0 or better 
  • Have a full-time OU faculty member willing to endorse/mentor your project

如果您有任何问题,请发电子邮件 (电子邮件保护).


经费来源:教务长办公室 & 负责学术事务的副校长

Goal: To support research and creative activity undertaken by students in the pursuit of a graduate degree

Summary: The Provost Graduate Student Research Award invites applications from graduate students enrolled at 365英国上市官网 (OU) who are interested in carrying out an independent research project. Selection is based on the academic strengths of the student applicant in conjunction with the quality, significance and potential impact of the proposed research project. A vital part of the graduate student research is the interaction between the student and the faculty mentor prior to submission of a research proposal and throughout the project period. Although most students work on projects in their major field of interest, this research program provides an opportunity for students to explore other fields. It will be up to eligible students to provide sufficient background information to demonstrate that they are qualified to work on a project in the proposed area of interest.


  • Identify a faculty mentor who is a full-time OU faculty. The faculty mentor is responsible for completing the Mentor Reference Letter. (参见下面的导师推荐信说明.)
  • Enter your mentor’s email address and he/she will receive an automatic email asking them to submit a Mentor Reference Letter. (There will be a field in the online application  asking for the “Letter Writer Email Address.”)
  • 填写并提交网上申请 infoReady审查.
  • Proposals must be attached to the online application and should include the following elements:
    • 带有项目标题的标题页, 申请人名称(年代), 联系(学校, College, Department, or other unit) and a project abstract of 200 words or less. The abstract must be jargon-free and written in layman's terms.
    • 项目描述不得超过四页, single-spaced, Arial 11字号,四周距1". 项目描述应包括以下内容:
      • 项目介绍/背景
      • 项目/业绩描述
      • 工作计划或时间表,如果相关的话
  • Review Criteria: Artistic excellence of the performer(s), artistic merit of the project
  • 在单独的页面上, include a bibliography listing any references that are cited in the project description.
  • 在单独的页面上, include a brief bio about yourself and include your current GPA. 这是对项目描述的补充.
  • Fill out the Budget Template, which should be attached to the application. 项目费用预算不应超过1500美元, 并应包括这些费用的理由. Costs may include travel costs to complete the project or performance, but not costs for conference travel related to presenting findings.
  • Please note that applicants not funded may revise and resubmit their proposals for the next competition.


  • Mentors are expected to review the student's application prior to him/her submitting the application, and to help guide the student to make it understandable to an inter-disciplinary group.
  • Submit a Mentor Reference Letter that follows the same deadline as the Provost Graduate Student Research Awards deadline. The letter should indicate support for the student and their project and justify that recommendation.
  • The mentor will receive an automatic email once the student submits an application in infoReady审查. The mentor will then submit the Mentor Reference Letter through the infoReady审查 system.


If the proposed project involves the use of human subjects, animals, 或危险/放射性物质, 院校审查委员会(IRB)批准, 机构动物护理和使用委员会, 机构生物安全委员会, and/or Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) must be obtained before work can be initiated or else the applicant must clearly state why this approval is not required. The Principal Investigator (PI) is allowed to submit the compliance approval after the application is submitted. Confirmation of compliance approval is required before funding is received. For assistance, contact the 法规遵从性 Officer in 研究处 at (248) 370-2762.

申请截止日期: 十月第三个星期五 (2023年不可用)
获奖公告:第二名 week in December
