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Disability Support Services

202 Wilson Hall
371 Wilson Boulevard
Rochester, MI 48309-4454
(location map)
(248) 370-3266
Fax: (248) 370-4327
[email protected]

Office Hours:
Mon-Fri: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Disability Support Services

202 Wilson Hall
371 Wilson Boulevard
Rochester, MI 48309-4454
(location map)
(248) 370-3266
Fax: (248) 370-4327
[email protected]

Office Hours:
Mon-Fri: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

two young adults seated at desk with computers and headphones

Student Resources

本节的目的是告知您365英国上市官网提供的残疾支持服务. The decision to utilize available services is an individual choice. 当学生表现出主动性和自信时,他们往往会取得更高水平的学业成功, begin preparing for college early, and are aware of their strengths, weaknesses and appropriate accommodations. 残疾人支持服务办公室在这里为你提供支持.

Alternate Formats of Textbooks


  1. 如果您被批准使用替代教科书格式, you will bring your textbook(s) to the DSS Office.
  2. You will fill out a Book Scanning Request Form for each book.
  3. 然后,DSS办公室将尝试从出版商/Accesstext/Bookshare获取数字副本, etc.
  4. 如果无法获得电子版,DSS办公室可以扫描您的教科书. 要做到这一点,你需要把你的课本带到校园的打印店(PS室16),并将装订去除(这项服务是免费的)。. You will then return the book to the DSS Office for scanning. Once scanned, 你会把书还给你(连同一张重新装订的表格),然后你可以回到印刷店把书反弹回来. You will receive the scanned version on a flash drive.
  5. 获取数字格式的图书可能需要几天到几天的时间.
  6. 决策支助处以先到先得的方式提供这项服务.
Alternative Furniture

对于因身体残疾而无法使用教室里标准桌椅的学生,可以为他们提供替代家具. Examples of alternative furniture include padded seating, armless chairs, stand-alone accessible tables etc.

If you are in need of accessible furniture, 请于每学期向教务处提供一份课程表. (Preferably before the semester begins).

Assistive Listening Device

校园里的许多教室都有内置的辅助听力设备. For those classrooms that do not have these capabilities, 有听力障碍的学生可以到DSS办公室检查FM单元. 调频单元由教授佩戴的麦克风单元和学生佩戴的接收器单元组成.

Assistive Technology

在校园的各个地方都有辅助技术,可以增强学生的自立能力.  Training can be coordinated through the DSS Office. A brief description of each follows.

  • DNS (Dragon Naturally Speaking) is a large vocabulary, speech recognition system; you can enter commands and dictate text by speaking into a microphone; you can use it with a keyboard or a mouse, or you can use it completely hands free.
  • JAWS (Job Access with Speech) manages speech output to application programs; it will voice characters, words, lines, and screen text in nine distinct voices.
  • Inspiration 视觉绘图软件是否有助于头脑风暴的写作过程, planning, organizing, conceptualizing etc.
  • Kurzweil 1000 是否为盲人或视障人士提供先进的扫描和阅读解决方案.
  • Kurzweil 3000 is a scanning, 为有学习障碍或阅读困难的学生提供读写解决方案.
  • Zoomtext 屏幕放大软件是为弱视学生设计的吗.
Classroom Changes for Physical Access

决策支持处和教务处每学期协调教室的变化,以适应在无法进入的教室中注册课程的学生. Notify DSS early with requests for changes.

Door Openers

Door openers are available for most university buildings. “点击器”可以借给学生,当不再需要时可以归还.

Note Takers
  1. 学生将尽可能在学期开始前给教授他们的学院通知信. 附在教师通知信上的将是教授遵循的指导方针,以便为学生确保笔记员. 教授应该尽一切努力为学生找一个记笔记的人.
  2. If the professor cannot secure a note taker for the student, the professor should contact the DSS Office for assistance.
  3. 发展支助处将尽一切努力征聘一名记录员,但不能保证一定能找到.  如果找不到记录员,可能需要其他住宿.
  4. The student must attend class to receive note taking services. 记笔记的人不需要提供学生缺课的笔记(包括学生迟到的笔记)。. 此服务的目的是提供对课堂讲座的访问,而不是代替出勤.
  5. 学生应向教授和笔记记录员咨询笔记的分发方式. 你可以在DSS办公室拿起NCR纸(可以复制的无碳纸)交给你的笔记员. 新闻部办公室的影印机亦可供影印. (M-F, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.)
Sign Language Interpreters/CART Services
  1. 学生必须与DSS办公室讨论CART服务需求. 获批准使用这项服务的学生应在开课前尽快与学生支援处联络,以便作出安排.
  2. 学生必须尽快将课程表提供给DSS. The longer the delay, 就越有可能找不到口译员或译员. 课程安排的更改应尽快报告给DSS,以便通知口译员/领班.
  3. When CART services are not needed (ie. Student will not be attending class), 学生必须通知DSS办公室,以便取消翻译/字幕. 如果在2个实例上不需要服务时未能通知DSS, 在与董事举行会议之前,服务将暂停.
  4. 学生上课迟到有责任通知教务处. In the event that DSS is not notified, 翻译/字幕翻译将等待15分钟后离开. 如果发生两次,服务将暂停,直到你与主管见面.