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罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482


罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482




Students need to earn a B- or above to pass all ESL courses.

All semesters are approximately 7 weeks long:秋季I,秋季II,冬季I,冬季II和夏季I(夏季II期间不提供ESL课程.)

课程表 校历

Reading and Vocabulary Development: ESL 0018N

For non-native speakers of English only. Designed to build fundamental English proficiency skills in phonics, 词汇表, and comprehension of text in English. 先决条件(s):放置

Reading and Vocabulary Development: ESL 0028N

只适用于非母语人士. Designed to help students develop general-purpose reading skills and strategies. Emphasis on 词汇表 development, phonics and fundamental reading strategies for comprehending text. 先决条件:ESL 0018N或ESL 0118, B级或以上或安置(ESLR分数为0200).

Level 3 - Reading and Vocabulary Development: ESL 0038N

只适用于非母语人士. Designed to help students develop reading skills and strategies for academic purposes. 强调解码和理解策略,强调英语构词技巧. 先决条件:ESL 0028N或ESL 0228,成绩为B-或更高或安置(ESLR分数为0300).

Level 4 - Reading and Vocabulary Development: ESL 0048N

只适用于非母语人士. Designed to help students develop reading skills and strategies for academic purposes. Emphasis on comprehension and retention strategies. 先决条件:ESL 0038N或ESL 0338,成绩为B-或更高或安置(ESLR分数为0400).

Level 5 - Reading and Vocabulary Development: ESL 0058N

只适用于非母语人士. 注重培养阅读理解技巧和策略,培养批判性思维能力,同时提高词汇接受能力. 先决条件:ESL 0048N或ESL 0448,成绩为B-或更高或安置(ESLR分数为0500).

Level 6 - Reading and Vocabulary Development: ESL 0068N

只适用于非母语人士. Designed to help students develop reading skills and strategies for academic purposes. 强调批判性分析, handling heavy reading loads and developing appropriate technical vocabularies. 先决条件:ESL 0058N或ESL 0558,成绩为B-或更高或安置(ESLR分数为0600).

Level 7 - Reading and Vocabulary Development: ESL 0078N

只适用于非母语人士. Designed to help students refine reading skills and strategies for academic purposes. 强调批判性分析 and close reading skills. 先决条件:ESL 0068N或ESL 0668或ESL 0080N或ESL 0780,成绩为B-或更高或安置(ESLR分数为0700).

Level 8 - Reading and Vocabulary Development for 研究: ESL 0088N

只适用于非母语人士. 旨在帮助研究生完成阅读和理解实质性研究论文或论文的任务. Emphasis will be on critical thinking skills and 词汇表 development. 先决条件:ESL 0078N或ESL 0778,成绩为B-或更高或安置(ESLR分数为0825).


Writing and Sentence Structure: ESL 0019N

For non-native speakers of English only. 旨在建立基本的语法技能,在书面英语,使学生可以构建简单的句子. 先决条件(s):放置.

Writing and Technology: ESL 0029N

只适用于非母语人士. Practice in the development of fundamental computer literacy, 打字, and 写作 skills utilizing technology. 先决条件:ESL 0019N或ESL 0119,成绩为B-或更高或安置(ESLW分数为0200).

Level 3 - Writing Fluency: ESL 0039N

只适用于非母语人士. 专为ESL学生设计,以提高英语写作技巧,重点是写作流畅性和组织技巧. 前提条件:ESL 0029N或ESL 0229,成绩为B-或更高或安置(ESLW分数为0300).

Level 4 - Writing and Technology: ESL 0049N

只适用于非母语人士. Practice in the development of intermediate computer literacy, 打字, and 写作 skills utilizing technology. 先决条件:ESL 0039N或ESL 0339,成绩为B-或更高或安置(ESLW分数为0400).

Level 5 - Application of Grammar Skills in Process Writing: ESL 0059N

只适用于非母语人士. An intensive study and application of grammatical structures to strengthen voice, 语法, and cohesion in 写作 for a variety of academic purposes. 先决条件:ESL 0049N或ESL 0449,成绩为B-或更高或安置(ESLW分数为0500).

Level 6 - Writing for Academic Purposes: ESL 0069N

只适用于非母语人士. Improving basic knowledge of paragraph structure, linear sequencing and grammatical structures used in 写作. Introduction and use of the 写作 process: brainstorming, 写作, 修订, 自我/同行编辑, 校对. 先决条件:ESL 0059N或ESL 0559,成绩为B-或更高或安置(ESLW分数为0600).

Level 7 - Academic Writing: ESL 0079N

只适用于非母语人士. Practice in the development of advanced computer literacy, 打字, and 写作 skills utilizing technology. Combines extensive practice in process 写作 for a variety of audiences and purposes (e.g., lab reports, essays and research reports) with an emphasis on developing fluency.  先决条件:ESL 0069N或ESL 0669,成绩为B-或更高或安置(ESLW分数为0700).

7级-考试准备:ESL 0080N

For non-native speakers of English only.  Preparation for successful performance on English language proficiency tests for ESL students. Students will learn specific test-taking strategies while improving their skills in reading, 写作, 说话, 英语听力. 先决条件:ESL 0069N或ESL 0669,成绩为B-或更高或安置或安置(ESLW分数为0700)

Level 8 - Academic Writing for 研究 Purposes: ESL 0089N

只适用于非母语人士. 旨在帮助研究生完成撰写实质性研究论文或论文的任务. 先决条件:ESL 0079N或ESL 0779或ESL 080N或ESL 0780,成绩为B-或更高或安置(ESLW分数为0825).


Listening and Speaking: ESL 0017N

This course is for non-native speakers of English. 帮助学生发展基本的英语能力,使他们能够用英语进行非常简单的口头命令交流,并理解简单的指示. 先决条件(s):放置.

Listening and Speaking: ESL 0027N

只适用于非母语人士. 通过有指导的会话练习,帮助学生发展一般的听说技能. 学生将学习适当的会话技巧,并在小组讨论中进行练习. 先决条件:ESL 0017N或ESL 0117,成绩为B-或更高或安置(ESL分数为0200).

Level 3 - Conversation Skills: ESL 0037N

只适用于非母语人士. Guides students towards differentiating aurally between the vowels, 辅音, 压力, rhythm and intonation patterns of spoken American English. 通过结构化的对话,学生将学习日常交际情景中遇到的表达. 先决条件:ESL 0027N或ESL 0227,成绩为B-或更高或安置(ESL分数为0300).

Level 4 - Introduction to American Culture and Customs: ESL 0047N

只适用于非母语人士. Introduction to the environment and culture of the United States. 学生将参与特定的听力和口语任务,并辅以额外的阅读和写作任务, as they relate to practical cultural information. 先决条件:ESL 0037N或ESL 0337,成绩为B-或更高或安置(ESL分数为0400).

Level 5 - Listening and Speaking for 365英国上市官网: ESL 0057N

只适用于非母语人士. 向学生介绍学术环境中必要的听力和口语技巧. Focus will be on listening and 说话 in a variety of class settings (lecture, 研讨会, discussion) and will include note-taking and subject comprehension. 先决条件:ESL 0047N或ES 0447,成绩为B-或更高或安置(ESLL分数为0500).

Level 6 - Conversation Skills: ESL 0067N

只适用于非母语人士. Provides students with structured conversation, study and practice. 旨在与以英语为母语的人在各种不同的环境中进行有效的交流,重点是学术环境. 元音的发音, 辅音, 减少, 链接, 压力, rhythm and intonation patterns of American English will be emphasized. 先决条件:ESL 0057N或ESL 0557,成绩为B-或更高或安置(ESL分数为0600).

Level 7 - Listening and Speaking for 365英国上市官网: ESL 0077N

只适用于非母语人士. Guides students toward mastery of the skills necessary to succeed in the academic setting. 重点是学生在各种学术环境中展示他们有效沟通和理解英语的能力,以便他们为融入通识教育课程做好准备. 先决条件:ESL 0067N或ESL 0667,成绩为B-或更高或安置(ESL分数为0700).

7级-考试准备:ESL 0080N

只适用于非母语人士. Preparation for successful performance on English language proficiency tests for ESL students. Students will learn specific test-taking strategies while improving their skills in reading, 写作, 说话, 英语听力. 先决条件:ESL 0067N或ESL 0667,成绩为B-或更高或安置(ESL分数为0700).

Level 8 - Listening and Speaking: English for Academic Success: ESL 0087N

This course is for non-native speakers of  English. Emphasis on improving presentation skills, 特别是发音, and on addressing issues relevant to graduate student success. 先决条件:ESL 0077N或ESL 0777或ESL 0080N或ESL 0780,成绩为B-或更高或安置(ESL分数为0825).